1- For the tests of sugar, urea, uric acid, etc., you need to fast for about 8 to 12 hours (drinking water is okay). If you have a first-stage sugar test (FBS), you must take medicine or insulin after the first-stage sugar test.
2-For cholesterol and triglyceride tests, eat a light dinner (bread and cheese, fruit and salad without sauce) and fast for 10-12 hours. It is better to have a low-fat diet and not drink alcohol at least 72 hours before the test.
3-Prolonged fasting (for more than 12 hours), exercise, physical activities, walking and heavy work may cause blood triglyceride levels to increase falsely and may affect fasting blood sugar. Therefore, avoid doing the mentioned things the day before the test.
4-Before performing the test, rest for 15 minutes in the laboratory and do not insist on sampling earlier.
1-It is better to test fasting sugar and two-hour sugar in one day.
2-Do the fasting blood sugar test according to the instructions.
3-After that, eat a normal breakfast as your routine (having breakfast should not last more than 15 minutes).
4-Exactly 2 hours after the start of breakfast (the first bite), a two-hour blood sugar test should be done. Therefore, be in the laboratory earlier.
5-In the period after finishing breakfast until the next blood draw, avoid doing any activity and walking, don't eat anything and don't smoke.
6-If you are taking Diabetes medicines or insulin, before or after breakfast, act as usual every day, but if you have a first stage sugar test, take the medicine or insulin after that.
1-You should preferably be fasting.
2-Consult your doctor about taking or not taking thyroid medication on the day of the test.
1-This test is better to be done in the morning. Fasting is required.
2-If you are being treated with iron medication, preferably stop having the medication at least 3 days before sampling. Otherwise, inform the sampling personnel.
3-If you take any other medication (even birth control pills), inform the sampling personnel.
1-Concentrated urine must be collected first thing in the morning immediately after waking up (otherwise, 3 hours must have passed since the last urination).
2- Avoid drinking too much liquid the night before the test.
3-Clean the place where the urine exits with water and then pour the middle part of the urine into the container given to you.
4-To take a urine sample, at least half of the container should be filled.
5-Sample delivery time is up until 6:00 pm Saturday to Wednesday and it is up until 3:00 pm on Thursday.
1-The best sample for diagnosing urinary tract infections is the first urine sample in the morning.
2-Avoid drinking a lot of water and other liquids before the test.
3-The sample must be taken completely clean; the place of urination should be washed well with soap and water and the soap residue should be removed with enough water. Open the lid of the urinal container and avoid touching the surface inside the container.
4-Throw away the initial part of urine (the first 1 second) and collect the rest of the urine to the size of at least half of the container, close the lid of the container and transfer it to the laboratory quickly (within 1 hour).
5-In the case of babies and children under 2 years of age, sterile bags for urine collection should be used according to the gender of the child. This bag should not be connected to the urethra for more than 45 minutes. After collecting the urine, close the lid and quickly transfer it to the laboratory (within 1 hour).
6-Do not take antibiotics 48 hours before the test (unless prescribed by a doctor).
7- 24-hour urine is not acceptable for urine culture test.
8-Sample delivery time is up until 6:00 pm Saturday to Wednesday and it is up until 3:00 pm on Thursday.
1-Throw away the first urine in the morning and write down the time, and collect all your urine in the container until the next day at the same time.
2-Avoid taking unnecessary drugs.
3-Liquid consumption should be normal.
4-The urine container must be taken from the laboratory (because special tests require a special container and have special conditions from 3 days before).
1-Discard the first urine in the morning and drink a glass of water afterwards.
2-One hour later, collect your urine sample in the appropriate container at the laboratory.
3-Samples should be delivered by 9:00 am.
4-In cases where three urine cytology tests should be done, urine sampling should also be done on different days.
1-For 7 to 10 days before the test, avoid treatment with castor oil, mineral oil, magnesium bismuth, anti-diarrhea compounds, barium enema, and antibiotics.
2-The stool sample should not be contaminated with urine or water, send the collected sample to the laboratory immediately, especially in suspected cases of bloody diarrhea. If it is not possible to perform the test up to 30 minutes after collecting the sample, the sample should be placed in the refrigerator.
* In order to test for occult blood in the stool, the following points should be considered:
1-If possible, 48 to 72 hours before the test and during the stool sample collection period, refrain from doing heavy sports and eating red meat, fish, turnips and avoid radish.
2-Colchicine, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Corticosteroids should be stopped 48 hours before the test and sample collection period. If you are forced to take these drugs continuously, consult your doctor and inform the laboratory.
3-In case of taking anti-coagulant drugs, be sure to inform the sampling personnel.
4-During 48 hours before the test, avoid brushing and flossing in a way that leads to gums bleeding.
5-Quickly transfer the stool sample to the laboratory.
6-Sample delivery time is up until 6:00 pm Saturday to Wednesday and it is up until 3:00 pm on Thursday.
1-Fasting is required.
2-In order to perform the prolactin test, you must be fasting and 2-3 hours must have been since you woke up. Also, avoid exercising before the test.
3-24 hours before sampling, breast stimulation and any sexual intercourse should be avoided.
1-Patient should not have a prostate exam from 48 to 72 hours before blood sampling.
2-The patient should not ejaculate or engage in vigorous physical activities such as cycling for 48 hours before blood sampling.
3-In case of prostate biopsy, blood sampling should be done 3 to 4 weeks later.
1-The best time for sampling is morning time while fasting.
2-Samples must be transported to the laboratory quickly (less than 1 hour).
3-If you use artificial teeth, take them out, then wash your mouth and take a deep breath and cough firmly.
4-Avoid contamination with saliva as much as possible.
5-It is forbidden to use mouthwash before the test.
6-Steam inhalation can be helpful in getting a better sample.
1-Preferably, avoid washing the affected area for 2-3 days.
2-Do not use creams and ointments on the affected area.
Considering the sensitivity of the test, please read the following text carefully and act on it in order to get the most correct test result:
1- At least 2 days (full 48 hours) and maximum 7 days (full 168 hours) should pass since the last ejaculation.
2-The sample must be completely collected in a special container provided by the laboratory (be especially careful not to waste the first part of the sample).
3-Half an hour before the Semen test, urine should not be discharged.
4- Testing is done in the order of acceptance bill number.
5-The sampling time is at 13:00.
6-Be careful not to contaminate the semen sample with urine, soap, and softening materials when collecting.
7. In case of suffering from any chronic disease (such as diabetes) or taking special drugs especially Erythromycin, Gentamicin, Cimetidine, Amiodarone, Digoxin, Phenytoin, narcotics, smoking, hormonal compounds, chemotherapy and herbal medicines) inform the relevant personnel.